Max Beckmann (February 12, 1884 – December 28, 1950)

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Self-Portrait with Raised Hand

Beckmann is a wonderful artist who, like many of his New Objectivitist compatriots, suffered rather ignominiously under the Third Reich. But before the rise of Nazism, Beckmann was an extremely well-received painter, viewed as a leading figure in the Weimar Republic's art scene. As for his works, while it was not uncommon for New Objectivists to deal broadly and jarringly with taboos, Beckmann did so with a softness and uniqueness, such as in Brother and Sister, that characterized his art with a romanticism absent from his circles. And his life's portfolio, as this small sample somewhat illustrates, was extremely dynamic, though almost always based in figurative representation. 

Brother and Sister

Birds' Hell

Quappi in Rose

The Iron Footbridge

Small Deathbed Scene