Man Ray (August 27, 1890 – November 18, 1976)

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For this post I'll let Man Ray speak; "The yachts skimming along the sea had given me an idea - I'd interpret the regatta against the blazing sun, realize my desire to paint a picture more or less from the scene before me. Taking a bus back to the hotel I set to work at once. Without brushes, painting directly with the tubes, I sketched in the boats, the sails black against the sky, and the sun in swirls of pure colours behind them. It was very impressionistic, joyful yet sombre; it might have been traced back to that unhappy Van Gogh whose colours expressed so much tragedy. However my monochromatic effect was more austere - there could be no mistake about my intention to avoid making a pretty picture."

Symphony Orchestra

Imaginary Portrait of DAF de Sade


Still-Life with Red Tea Kettle

The Rope Dancer Accompanies Herself with Her Shadows